Services for the Health in Asian & African Regions (SHARE) = SHARE is a citizen sector organization (NGO) that engages in international cooperation mainly through providing health service.

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Emergency Relief


 Assisting Disaster-Affected Areas for Its Earliest Recovery

 Although SHARE mainly focuses on health promotion, we also provide emergency aid when necessary. For example, we offered medical assistance for victims of the Ethiopian famine in 1985, provided medical examination at evacuation center for the disaster survivors of the 1991 eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in Philippines, and participated in relief campaign for Rwandan refugees in the Democratic Republic of Congo (former Zaire) in 1994. Within Japan, we provided medical examination at evacuation centers for approximately 3000 survivors of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in 1995 for 2 months with the help of almost 200 volunteers. We also arranged public health nurses to visit temporary residence and offer medical examination for the survivors for a period of one year. Also for the Niigata Earthquake in 2004, we dispatched volunteer group of doctors and nurses to the disaster area to provide medical counseling. We set up a 24 hour medical consultation room near temporary housing complex to offer both physical and mental care for the survivors.    

Photo:Temporary consultation room inside the public library, The Mid-Niigata earth quake emergency relief.

Donation/Fund-raise:The share is recognition NPO. The contribution of everybody becomes the object of the deduction.
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