Services for the Health in Asian & African Regions (SHARE) = SHARE is a citizen sector organization (NGO) that engages in international cooperation mainly through providing health service.

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Building Awareness


Learning About the World
医療相談員対象の研修風景 One of SHARE's goals as an organization is to educate Japanese citizens about world health issues. In doing so, SHARE hopes to expand the Japanese scope of knowledge and further advance health-related efforts around the world. SHARE has set up several different programs that provide Japanese citizens with opportunities to learn about health-related problems, including workshops discussing both domestic and international medical issues, lectures by medical professionals, and presentations by people who have been involved in international medical projects both currently or in the past. In addition, if asked, SHARE dispatches lecturers and panelists to speak at external workshops. These programs are designed to help Japanese citizens comprehend a variety of health issues--primarily those which are more common in less developed countries--while learning more about NGOs and international cooperation.

Those who wish to experience first hand the difficulties of living in less developed countries are encouraged to participate in SHARE's study tours. SHARE provides these tours in order for Japanese people to become more involved in the lives of locals living in third world countries. In interacting directly with the locals, people who enroll in study tours attain a greater breadth of experience in international cooperation and international medical assistance.

We hope that through these programs Japanese citizens are able to have a more global understanding of different health-related issues, and assume an active role in the field of international cooperation and communication.

photo: training for medical social worker.
Donation/Fund-raise:The share is recognition NPO. The contribution of everybody becomes the object of the deduction.
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