Services for the Health in Asian & African Regions (SHARE) = SHARE is a citizen sector organization (NGO) that engages in international cooperation mainly through providing health service.

HOME > News > 【Symposium】 The 40th anniversary of the 「Alma Ata Declaration」

【Symposium】 The 40th anniversary of the 「Alma Ata Declaration」

We have included the Symposium commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Alma Ata Declaration.

【Part 1: Keynote speech by Mr. Jun Nishikawa】
SDGs and Symbiotic Society
Looking at the Global Economy and Social Change

【Part 2: Activity report】
What are the challenges of the world and Japan's "creating a community where no one can be left behind" 

【Part 3: Panel Discussion】
General Discussion / Panel Discussion

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