Services for the Health in Asian & African Regions (SHARE) = SHARE is a citizen sector organization (NGO) that engages in international cooperation mainly through providing health service.

HOME > News > SHARE decided to send the emergency medical support team. We will send doctors and nurses to Natori city, an outlaying city of Sendai City in Miyagi Prefecture.(No.9)

SHARE decided to send the emergency medical support team. We will send doctors and nurses to Natori city, an outlaying city of Sendai City in Miyagi Prefecture.(No.9)

Natori City has reported major damages to many of its medical institutes due to

the earthquake. In response to a request from Dr. Norihiko Kuwayama at Tohoku International Clinic in Natori City. SHARE will send medical staff and medical supplies.

The relief efforts and medical support aim to save victims under dire

circumstances with very short medical staff and medicines available.


Dispatched Medical Staff:

        Doctors, Nurses, Logistics consultant

Mission :

        To Provide Support to Tohoku International Clinic. Objectives include for providing circuit medical care in homes of elderly people and medical support at clinic.


March 16, 2011
Donation/Fund-raise:The share is recognition NPO. The contribution of everybody becomes the object of the deduction.
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